Mesotherapy under eyes swelling❤

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Mesotherapy prices will vary and depends on the size of the area treated and amount of product used.For example mesotherapy for hair loss needs different techniques and various cocktails in comparison with face mesotherapy, consequently the prices will be different for each patient.

Meso face

mesotherapy can  be applied on the face to prevent and treat signs of aging and rejuvenate the entire area, bringing out a natural glow that will catch everyone’s eye.Treatment provides the skin with a special cocktail of nutrients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals and amino-acids to boost its appearance significantly.

As a result, your face regains its natural elasticity, shape and glow. Since this non-invasive treatment replenishes naturally-occurring substances required by the skin to rehydrate and repair imperfections, the results are quick and long-lasting.

Facial mesotherapy is a great option for women and men of all ages looking to restore the health and look of their face and neck.

mesotherapy under eyes swelling

There is usually no downtime for this treatment. This means that you can safely and comfortably return to your daily routine immediately post-treatment with Mesotherapy. This said, the under-eyes area is very delicate and you might have slight bruises and swelling. However, this should dissipate and nothing to be concerned about.

meso cost for hair loss

Mesotherapy is an alternative treatment that helps to cure baldness in both males and females by reducing hair loss, promoting hair growth and slowing male pattern baldness. It is a process which regulates the proteins, vitamins and other nutrient levels and growth factors in the scalp of the patient suffering from balding. This is done by injecting in the least painful way, nutrient boosters in the scalp with the help of an injection gun to aid in the nourishing and hydrating of the scalp.

This also includes initiating cell metabolism, eliminating infections and promoting and accelerating hair growth, improving blood circulation in the scalp and strengthening and reviving the hair follicles to help create dense, voluminous, strong, long and healthy tresses. This is a comparatively faster treatment than its counterparts as it helps to gradually restore hormonal balance and neutralizes the effects of DHT hormone leading to accelerated growth of new hair strands.

Meso hair sessions

Usually a minimum of 10 sessions is required to stimulate hair growth. We recommend starting with an intensive course of treatments every 2 weeks for the first 2-3 months. The frequency then gradually decreases and the results of hair rejuvenation become evident already after 2-3 months. In order to keep the results maintenance treatments are needed generally once every 2 to 3 months.

Mesotherapy under the eyes
Mesotherapy under the eyes

mesotherapy double chin

A double chin is the accumulation of subcutaneous fat around the neck giving it a chubby appearance.  The skin around the neck sags down and creates a wrinkle making it look like a second chin.

It is most common in elderly or obese people.  Even a person with an average weight can have a double chin as it primarily depends upon bone structure, amount of loose skin and even amount of fat cells in that region.   Mesotherapy is a quick and easy method to get rid of double chin. This technique involves injecting fat dissolving solution to the area.  No hospitalization is required for the treatment.

PRP under the eyes


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