mini brow lift

Mini brow lift before and after photos

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The mini brow

The mini brow lift is ideal for those who suffer from relatively minor drooping and wrinkling, and who choose a less invasive and less expensive procedure, resulting in a more subtle effect.

In the mini brow lift  procedure, the cosmetic surgeon makes a small incision, about an inch and a half, behind the frontal hairline, or in those with high foreheads or receding hairlines, at the hairline itself.

The cosmetic surgeon then reaches in via the incision and separates the fibrous connections of the brow, smoothing the appearance of the brow muscles, thus eliminating deep furrows, sagging, and wrinkles. Excess skin is then excised so that the skin lays taut over the patient’s new brow.

The mini brow

lateral mini brow lift

The procedure is typically performed under local anaesthesia and requires small incisions in the temple area above the hairline (hence the name temporal brow lift or temporal lift). Once the scars fade, they completely blend in with the hair. The incisions can be placed at or behind the hairline and their length can be anywhere from 2 to 10 centimetres. The longer the incision and the higher its placement, the more extensive the lifting.

The procedure

Upon making the incision, the surgeon separates the skin from the underlying fat and bone structure. This method ensures that the elevation will be even and the skin surface smooth. Skin is then slightly pulled towards the incision and attached to the underlying structure. Excess skin is removed and stitches or staples are used to close the incision.

The procedure is then repeated on the other side. The result is usually a 4-5 mm elevation in the level of the outer side of the brow. That is enough to give the face an impressive rejuvenation but not too much, which results in the surprised & overdone look.

The outcome of the surgery is immediately visible and in spite of the swelling, the recovery time is relatively short. Cold compression and painkillers help you through any discomfort and within approximately 5 days, the sutures are removed. After 7 – 10 days, you will feel like your old self and you may start to gradually resume normal activity.

Direct mini brow lift

The direct mini brow lift requires removing a section of skin and underlying tissue above and following the length of the eyebrows. This is NOT the same as a cosmetic browlift procedure, where incisions are in the hairline and surgery is performed endoscopically.

Care is taken to position the scar just along the eyebrows so that it is maximally camouflaged. Patients must understand that there will be a visible scar at the upper edge of the eyebrows. This scar generally takes several months to fully heal and often minimally visible. For patients with pre-existing wrinkles in the forehead and full eyebrows will find the scar is quite cosmetically acceptable.

The procedure is very effective and allows for greater field of vision, especially when combined with upper eyelid surgery.

direct brow lift

Mid-Forehead Brow Lift

The Mid-Forehead Lift involves incisions within the furrows (wrinkles) of the mid-forehead. Patients with deep furrows or rhytids and significant lateral brow ptosis are good candidates for this procedure. As with the direct approach, an ellipse of tissue is removed from the forehead and the incision site is closed with nonabsorbable sutures.

Nonabsorbable sutures diminish scarring in this area and require removal one week following surgery. Women may utilize makeup on the incision sites following suture removal. Scars are well hidden in patients with deep furrows and gradually fade into the natural forehead wrinkles over the ensuing weeks to months.

mid forehead brow lift certificate


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