temporal brow lift scar


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Brow lift scars are generally placed so they will be well concealed, frequently within or at the hairline, within a deep forehead crease or at the top of the eyebrows depending on the procedure and type of  lifting.

Direct Brow Lift

The direct brow lift is a type of forehead rejuvenation surgery that is most commonly used for candidates requiring deeper, functional corrections. A direct brow lift creates incisions directly above the eyebrows for precise lifting, improving the appearance of a heavy brow that weighs down the eyelids.

Direct brow lift scars
Direct Brow Lift

Best candidates

Patients with thick eyebrows and significant lateral brow ptosis are good candidates for this procedure. The limitation of this technique is the inability to smooth the entire forehead skin and inability to reduce frown muscle activity.

For these reasons the direct approach is not the first choice in brow rejuvenation and is reserved for patients with very thick eyebrows or patients that have forehead muscle weakness requiring maximal lifting of the eyebrow area.

Scarring is most noticeable due to shadowing from a depressed scar and can be masked with large spectacles or topical concealers. Microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing can also help to blend the scar.The direct brow lift is the gold standard in terms of control over the final brow shape and position.


Mid Forehead Lift

The Mid Forehead Lift involves incisions within the forehead wrinkles. Patients with deep furrows or rhytids and significant lateral brow ptosis are good candidates for this procedure.

An ellipse of tissue is removed from the forehead and the incision site is closed with non absorbable sutures.  Scars are well hidden in patients with deep furrows and gradually fade into the natural forehead wrinkles over the ensuing weeks to months.

mid forehead approach before and after
Mid Forehead Approach

Pretrichial Brow Lift

The incision for a pretrichial brow lift is made in front of the hairline or just within the hairline instead of concealed within the hair. It involves removal of an ellipse of tissue as with the mid forehead technique.

This is a good technique to elevate the brow in patients that do not have deep wrinkling of the forehead area and have a full hairline. Pretrichial incisions are best suited for patients with tall foreheads, since removal of skin will lower the hairline.  The scars may be visible, although it can be camouflaged by wearing the hair forward so balding patients or those with thinning hair are not good candidates for approaches via the hairline due to increased visibility of the scar.

Pretrichial approach before and after
Pretrichial approach

Temporal Lift

A lateral brow lift or temporal brow lift is a less extensive brow lift technique that only addresses the outer one-third portion of the eyebrows rather than the full brow area. The lateral brow is the portion that descends first as we age, creating heaviness to the upper eyelid. The temporal brow lift helps reverse this and is often combined with an upper blepharoplasty.

Compared to other brow lift types, the temporal lift yields less dramatic results, but also has less risk and shorter healing times .The scars will be hidden in the temporal hairline (temples) and hair loss in the scar can be addressed with minoxidil.

 before and after lateral eyebrow elevation
lateral eyebrow elevation

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Endoscopic forehead lift

Scars may include three short incisions along the top of the scalp and a temple incision on each side. These incisions will be totally hidden within the hair.

endoscopic brow lift scars

Hair loss after  endoscopic brow lift
gone wrong endoscopic brow lift scars


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