fat transfer after care

Fat Grafting Face vs Fillers In 2024❤

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Fat grafting face vs fillers: Dermal fillers and fat grafting are used in different areas around the face for specific purposes. Both are effective in smoothing out wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. Further, both procedures can add volume around the cheeks and jawline to improve facial contouring and achieve a youthful fullness to the face.

Dermal fillers are a nonsurgical procedure, which makes them more desirable to most patients. Fat transfer, on the other hand, has a surgical element. The fat is usually harvested from the thighs or buttocks through liposuction: a small incision or opening will be made where a small tube will be inserted.

The tube will be gently moved back and forth to allow fat deposits to disperse under your skin until removed. Once enough fat has been collected, your surgeon will prepare it for injectable purposes.Fat transfer can restore the youthful fullness or contours of the face. Also regarded as fat augmentation, this procedure can even improve facial asymmetries to improve the balance of your features.

fat grafting face vs fillers
tear trough correction with nono fat graft

Fat transfer how long does it last?

Fat transfer has the potential to last much longer than filler treatment, though its duration is more unpredictable. Once that fat is integrated into  facial tissues, it will live there indefinitely. This is one of the main differences to injectable fillers.

fat grafting face vs fillers
fat grafting face vs fillers

Fat grafting to face pros and cons

Fat is permanent and is not rejected by body.  Filler is not permanent and there are different indications for using fat vs filler.  Generally, filler is used to volumize smaller areas such as the facial cheeks, lips, nasal labial folds and marionette lines.  Fat is used for larger areas, with large volume loss and need more than 10 cc,s

Fat harvesting procedure


2 responses to “Fat Grafting Face vs Fillers In 2024❤”

  1. Hello, I’m 42 year old female. I started developing face laxity and hollowness on my buccal area. I have had a few consults along the way, most doctors recommended fillers, which I am hesitant to start doing. I was wondering if a fat graft to this area will fix this issue? Or if it needs something more precise like Nanofat?

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    1. Thank you for your question
      You are an ideal candidate for skin and muscle tightening treatment Ultherapy. However, filler application in buccal area may conversly shift the skin downwards due to lack of bone support.I would suggest Microfat grafting in this area because I find fat well integrated with surronding tissues in this area in comparison to fillers.
      Nanofat rejuvenate tissues without significat volumization.
      Best regards

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