fat transfer after care

Fat Injection In Face Photos❤

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Fat injections in face how long does it last?

Fat injection in face durability varies from person to person , however on average at least half of the transferred fat is reabsorbed.There are individual differences but what transferred fat is present at 4 months will be present for many years.

No procedure stops aging and volume loss in key areas of the face continues as we age. Therefore most people benefit from a touch-up somewhere between 5 to 10 years ,  Even though fat transfer is supposed to be long lasting,  therefore multiple procedures are thus recommended to maintain desired result.

fat injection in face
fat injection in face

Fat injections in face vs fillers

Dermal fillers are not lifters, they are volumizers, the main advantage  of fat injections  is the price per cc of material , moreover there are a large surplus and especially for facial fill there is usually more than enough.  Fat also can be used just about anywhere on the body. fat is potentially permanent and “stem”cells may be beneficial, the main disadvantages of fat injections is lack of reliability in “take”, swelling and length of recovery, potential for asymmetry.

General rule for fat injections: if patient  having another procedure at the same time, do fat. Otherwise don’t waste 2 weeks of recovery after fat grafting when fillers can do the job with little risk, minimal downtime, and ability to add or subtract (if hyaluronic acid used) from the result as needed.

fat injection in face

Nanofat grafting article written by Dr. Mosaferian


Fat injection in face vs under eyes

In patients who have developed deep ‘tear troughs’ at the junction of the lower lid and cheek, adjacent to the side of the nose, the meticulous grafting of fat harvested from the patient’s abdomen, hips or thighs can build this area back up and nicely restore a more youthful contour. In some blepharoplasty

patients this depression or ‘hollow’ extends horizontally across the entire junction of the lower lid and cheek, and this must be corrected to obtain the ideal postoperative result.

Please click on the following clip to watch transforming of Microfat to Nanofat

fat injection in face fat injection in face

Fat graft in face
Article Name
Fat graft in face
Fat injection in face durability varies from person to person , however on average at least half of the transferred fat is reabsorbed
Publisher Name
Niayesh Beauty Clinic
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