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Fat transfer after care

What is fat transfer after care ?It is normal for the face to be swollen and enlarged. This is a result of 1) the trauma of the procedure and 2) slight over-correction of transferred fat to allow for some loss in the process. Your body will gradually recover from the swelling over a period of several days, but take several weeks for full recovery.Keep the compression garment on for the advised period. This will be, at a minimum, 24 hours/day for 7 days, then evenings for the following 7 days. Wearing the garment longer is better.

before and after tear trough correction in a young lady
tear trough correction

Flight fat transfer after care

Do not fly within 24 hours of your procedure for short haul flights,or within one week of your procedure for long haul flights.Return to every day activity as normal avoiding vigorous activity or sport for two weeks.

Fluid leakage from the small incisions is normal in the first few days.This will occur mainly in the first 24 hours and you should simply pad the area with fresh gauze as needed. Be sure to wear clothes that are washable for your journey home after the procedure and for the first week.

before and after images of nasojugal groove correction
nasojugal groove correction

 Fat grafting  after care swelling and lumps

Fat transfer to tear trough and under eye may cause swelling and lumpiness, to prevent this in the lower  eyelid  the grafted fat should not  transfered above the teat trough ligament, however nano fat can be use in the lids intradermally  without such complications. 

Moreover, liposuction with a very small cannula, change harvested fat in very small particles and then injected deep to the SMAS layer with a very small cannula.

The microfat is deposited in small pearls in a fan shape manner to avoid the lumpiness. You can repaeat fat transfer after 12 weeks safely by then all inflammatory healing is over and the fat is stable. Fat transfer to the face can rejuvanate the face including the brows,  naso-labial folds , cheeks and chin.

fat transfer to face gone wrong
Lower Eyelid Fat Nodule
fat transfer after care
fat grafting areas

Ice after fat injection

To minimize swelling in the face you may use cool, clean compresses or ice wrapped in a dry cloth.

Apply these gently to your face four to six times a day for the first twenty four hours after surgery. Mild cooling of the area will help reduce inflammation, too much ice may limit blood circulation to the area and may damage skin as well as fat grafted cells.

bruising after fat transfer
bruising after fat transfer

When can i exercise after fat transfer?

Fat transfer is done with blunt tipped  cannulas so most of  patients are swollen, but usually not bruised.

Aerobic exercises increase blood pressure and might increase the amount of  bruising and swelling, It is recommended to avoid aerobic activities for at least 2 weeks.

Fat transfer after care diet?

48 hours after fat grafting soft diet help bowl movement and cold drinks prevent inflammation and swelling. moreover, alcohol and NSAIDS should be avoided for 2 weeks to help with healing and reduced bruising.

Restricting sodium may help to reduce edema and inflammation after surgery.

cheek augmentation and double chin lipo
cheek augmentation

Nanofat grafting article written by Dr. Mosaferian

Fat grafting after care results

Some of the grafted fat cells will die within the first 6 months, which will make the volume levels dip somewhat, so it is recommended to over corrected the treated area.

Once the six month mark has passed, however, the remaining cells should be permanently established. While the cells may be permanent, other structures in the face and skin will continue to deteriorate with age.

Fat grafting sessions

As time goes on, patients may want to consider additional treatments to continue looking youthful. Despite these drawbacks, fat transfer is an all-natural, permanent enhancement to facial volume, and most patients are thrilled with the results.

Nanofat injection
day by day fat transfer to face recovery time
day by day fat transfer to face recovery time
Fat transfer after care
Article Name
Fat transfer after care
Fat transfer after care it is normal for the face to be swollen and enlarged. This is a result of 1) the trauma of the procedure and..
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Niayesh Beauty Clinic
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  1. Dear doctor, 4 days ago had this surgery, and my cheeks looks too big (under the swollen skin, it’s hard, it’s transfered fat, not just soft swollen volume)
    and also I had it done on upper eyelids, which it so so uneven. Again by touching I can feel that the fat is not injection synetrically.
    I just want my face back. What can I do to make the fat stay as less as possible? to loose weight during the first 6 months? getting back to smoking (I quit a month ago)? what can I do?
    Should I do some massage to make it not stay permanently?

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    1. Thank you for your question
      At 4 days post-procedure, your results are very early. The hardness that you are feeling is due to cannula traumatization which resolve within 2 to 3 weeks.
      I don’t recommend massage at this stage because any manipulation may increase blood circulation as well as inflammation in the underlying tissues , resulting more swelling and edema.

      However, the majority of the swelling may resolve after 2 weeks and, your tissues will continue to change , soften and heal over the ensuing months.
      In my experience, the best strategy is patience , low salt diet and avoidance of heavy exercises.
      Having said that , after 6 months if you are not satisfy with the results consider an ultrasonografic evaluation and then radiofrequency plus HIFU treatment in over- corrected areas.
      Smoking may decrease tissue microcirculation , interfer with oxygenation and successful grafting of fat cells , but it’s not a good idea to kill fat cells with smoking because smoking can increase risk of developing complications including infection , fat necrosis and oil cysts.
      I tell my patients that it is ideal to stop smoking a couple months ahead of fat transfer and then for a couple months after surgery.
      Best of luck

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  2. Hi Dr, I had a very unsuccessful fat transfer to my eyelids one year ago. I end up with several hard nodules that I can “roll” under my finger. They seem deep but are visible. Are there any solution to make them disappear? I m wishing for non surgical solutions, or at least without incision if possible

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    1. Thank you for your question
      One year after fat transfer, the lumps in the eyelid indicate over-correction in a delicate anatomic structure that could be avoided by tranfering Nanofat rather than Microfat.
      In my experience, the size and consistency of these nodules are very critical for optimal management; the smaller and softer lumps may disappear over time with gentle massage and radiofrequecy treatment.
      However, solid and large lumps may remain for years and need surgical intervention.
      I would suggest a sonographic evaluation to determine the depth, size and consistency of the nodules and then consult with an exepert occuloplastic surgeon.
      If you are in the United States, I recommend my friend Dr. Guy Massry.
      Best of luck

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  3. Hi! I had fat transfer to my face 1 week ago.I feel the Dr. overfilled my face. Is it possible I still have swelling after 7 days? or is this the result of over filling? Is it possible for me to massage the extra fat and make it flat? and round from the fat transfer. Is there any solution to remove the fat that was put in my face?

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    1. Hello Rose_6000, With any surgical procedure you will be fairly swollen at day7. This is even more true with fat transfer as volume has been added.
      As the swelling resolves you will begin to see the results of the procedure.
      Moreover ,it’s too soon to tell what your final results will be. Swelling is typical after fat transfer and can last 3-6 months.
      Having said that, icing the area,avoid NSAIDs analgesics such as Aspirin and Indomethacin and excessive exercises can help reduce swelling.
      Best of luck

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