What is hyaluronidase?
Hyaluronidase is a natural substance found in the body, which is collected from either cows or pigs. It is cleaned up to remove animal substances. It may also be produced in a laboratory that recreates it from human albumin sources. This product is routinely used for reversing hyluronic acid fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm, Belotero and not for over-correction of Radiesse or Silicon implants.
Hyaluronidase allergic reaction
There is a simple way to know if a patient is allergic to this product, inject in a small dose under the skin on the arm. If patient react with an allergic response then it will be clear that he or she are allergic. If he doesn’t react then he are not allergic. Allergic reaction is more likely, especially if compounded product was use instead of Vitrase .Vitrase is injected into the same area of the tissue as the hyaluronic acid product was injected previously. It is an enzyme used to break down these products and works fairly quickly. Severe allergic reactions including anaphylaxis have been reported rarely. Allergy to this product should be included in the differential diagnosis when focal erythema and swelling occur after injection.
how long does hyalase take to work?
Hyaluronidase will start to work within 48 hours and have an effect lasting 2 weeks – additional treatments can be given within 2 weeks of the first treatment for additional dissolution remaining Juvederm or Restylane.
Hyaluronidase side effects
After injection local irritation, infection, bleeding and bruising may occur , however these side effects are rare and swelling will resolve with time and edema is not permanent.
hyaluronidase cost
The cost of hyaluronidase will vary depending on the amount used and the areas of treatment.
Swelling after hyalase injection
Swelling after injection to treat excess fillers is normal. This may take several weeks to months to improve, it is a watery liquid and is not as viscous or thick as the gels of Restylane or Juvederm. The swelling from injection, therefore, is not as much and goes away quickly.
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